Sharing our story

Each of us have a story to share with the world.  Some of us have profound high profile stories, and others have stories of everyday life… but the important thing is finding the voice to share your story.  It takes a measure of courage, vulnerability and a willingness to let your life be layed bare for the world to see.  (It sometimes feels a bit like what it might be like to run naked through a crowded store.)  These thoughts are on the top of my mind today because i was recently interviewed by Christine Klenotic of, a brilliant blog written by a group of amazing women who live, work and raise their families in Cleveland.  If you have not spent any time reading the blog, find your way there, and feast on some wonderful insight, provocative thought, fashion sense and brilliant tips.    Well, the interview published on 3/6/17 and i am so blown away by the response our story has garnered.

Its humbling to start over in life, although it is not uncommon.  But its a story that requires a lot of deep breaths, and stuffing down the fear for the better choice of not just survival, but the rise, to thrive, to find that deeply hidden gem inside.  I have heard cancer survivors speak of a transformative process that changed their outlook, their purpose, their life objectives drastically.  In spite of the challenges and pain, most of my friends who endured cancer indicate the cancer process was a gift that taught them deep truths about themselves, shook out what was important and simplified life to this essence.  I didn’t mention in the interview how profoundly I believe these challenges do bring us gifts, surprises in our capability, and our strength to pursue.  I admit I am filtering my thoughts through a book I recently read titled “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday.    Or if i can quote an old friend who has said this for years “Your mess should become your message.”  How much more do people resonate with a message that was lived through than a message that is clear in thought but has no meat on the bones.  Here are two quotes that I just live by:

“We forget: In life, it doesn’t matter what happens to you or where you came from. It matters what you do with what happens and what you’ve been given.”

“What matters most is not what these obstacles are but how we see them, how we react to them, and whether we keep our composure.”

Seven years ago I admit both my husband and I felt like wreckage heaped on the rocks of the shoreline… but neither of us would let ourselves stay there.  And we are determined to not only build this new life, and business, but to look around and encourage others to find their way through the maze of life’s twists and turns.

Thank you for the opportunity to share our story, and thank you for your kind encouragment.

If you would like to read the full article, click on this link: