Tag: business plan

Fear of success – part 2

Yesterday the blog was about the fear of success.  While it seems like an odd idea, it is very common.  The first time this was written about was in the 1970s, and was largely tied to the growing role of women in business.  Since then 

How much do you fear success?

Its a wierd question, isn;t it?  Fear and success should not be found in the same sentence together, should they?  When someone challenged me with the idea in late fall i had to think about it for quite some time.  Do i fear success?  Do 

Universal Pricing

Sounds like an odd title for an article but I have in my mind a short piece on wisdom for pricing your handcrafted products and art. Last FALL i finished a marathon 5 days of shows which were lovely. I met a lot of very 

Are you a new vendor? Part 1

While we are only at this for a bit over a year, at each show it seems we run into more people who have just started out, and have lots of questions, or are looking for their way into the marketplace.  This is hopefully one