Month: January 2018

So whats up with Personality Typing?

Introvert, Extrovert, emotional, thinker, quiet, loud, soulful, clever…. the list is endless, and it seems that humanity loves to find ways of pigeon holing each of us into a tidy box.  So what box have you found yourself put into?  Have you ever taken a 

So now that the holidays are over….

Here we are… only a few days into the new year, and it hits…..   No not just the freezing cold, gray white darkness of deep winter.  I mean the “the holidays are over, and all of the frenzy to get there, and enjoy those celebrations 

Pink Himalayan Salt Soap

Pink Himalayan Salt is such an interesting ingredient. It is the star of our wonderful Pink Himalayan Salt Soap.  Yes, a very gentle vegan soap that incorporates the salt.  Before i talk about the soap i wanted to tell you a little more about Pink Himalayan