Month: February 2024

Beer in soap?

Have you ever considered soap made with beer? There are some great benefits such as richer creamier lather, and the hops bring rich vitamins, and amino acids that sooth skin. We make 4 different soaps, from 4 different beers.

Its ‘Cuz you stink!!

We are exploring the impact of persimmon extract on soap, and the humorous story of how we began making this soap.

We are sad but its the next chapter!

We loved being artists represented at Uncommon Art in Hudson Ohio. Sadly they have no closed their doors due to the building being up for sale and the unpredictable nature of that proposition.

Customer Feedback is heard!!!

Customers are the most valuable part of our business. You bring us inspiration, suggestions, improvements, and encouragement. Today we are looking at some of the amazing ideas and feedback we have received that has impacted our business.