Month: June 2016

Whoo Hoo its Waterloo

Summer sizzle, Brilliant Art, Great Food, wonderful entertainment – this is Waterloo……. And we are so excited to be a part of the Waterloo Art Festival this year again. The festival is held on several blocks of Waterloo Road, in Collinwood neighborhood.  Waterloo is sizzling 

Hello Bay Arts!!!

Picture this…. perfect view of Lake Erie, picturesque landscape, wonderful beach, and lots of wonderful hiking, picnic, and space to do ART!  Yes indeed, Bay Arts is located in the vast expanse of Huntington Reservation of the Cleveland Metroparks.  Once part of the Huntington Estates, 

Celebrate Cleveland with us this weekend

Images in Bloom is splitting up – and heading in two directions this weekend because in my midlife moment i double booked us.  Both events are within a couple of miles of each other, and each are uniquely worth the v isit. The Flea Market