Month: February 2015

Do you Super Fat?

No, its not the latest diet trend, nor is it the name of an exercise plan…. it is a concept in soap making which requires the soap recipe to use a small percentage more of the oils (oil, butter, or fat) than the lye can 

Fashion colors for spring

Months, if not years ago the fashion industry established a pallet for the spring 2015 season in order to coordinate designs and fashions.  Each season the palate changes slightly.  For spring 2015 my painter friends will recognize the title of their color palate :  En 

Florida bound….

We are packing up a wholesale order to ship to Florida, for Bittner Bees. The soaps use their beeswax and honey. We love the opportunity to make private label soaps for other small businesses.


Not the title you would expect in this blog, right?  And what on earth do i mean by HALT?  Let me try to explain myself. I have been reading more on leadership and creativity and stumbled across an interesting little nugget.  Leadership, and creativity are