Birds of a feather

I’ve decided to title this post birds of a feather. It takes us all back to our childhood when our mom or someone quoted that little proverb “birds of a feather flock together”. I’ve always thought of that Proverb as conveying wisdom about who you keep company with. Jen went a step further and reminding us that who you surround yourself with Will determine your capacity to grow, aim higher, achieve more. I realize that daily and I’m so privileged to be surrounded by some thought leaders whoShare their vision for life, their philosophy, wisdom and encouragement. I only hope I am not successful with others.

Interesting thought about this quotation is that as we grow and change, sadly that may mean that people who were very close are no more there. I guess it’s like almost anything else in life. As you know from my post yesterday, I’ve been rereading my blogs from eight years ago. I realize how much I have changed and I often wonder if that has been the reason we don’t keep company with some of the friends that have been close to us all these years. On that sad note, change is difficult. But through adversity we’ve also learned who was our friends and who our cheerleaders are. Don’t we all need cheerleaders? (implied in my question is an affirmative yes! We all need to have someone in life that is pulling for us, and is in some small way hoping with us for the best in life.).

Some business leaders referred to this group of friends that support each other as your tribe. I like that. We all deserve to have a tribe, and to have someone who can influence us and someone we should be influencing. P

So here’s my challenge:

  • who are you surrounding yourself with?
  • What are you filling your senses with?
  • Do you feel like the people around you are supportive and challenging and all the best sense of the word?
<li>And just a reminder, it doesn't have to be a human to be an influencer of your life. The library is filled with amazing opportunities to grow. As you also know one of my other guilty pleasures is reading. I do try to read at least three books a month.    Podcasts can educate, encourage and provide motivation.</li>
<li>So get out there and find your tribe, read a great book, influence someone.</li>