Such hostility-can it be caused by electronic addiction?

It seems like every time we turn on the TV or open a newspaper there’s a new story that involves violence, hostility, brutality and generally horrible acts of evil. These are treacherous times to be living in the United States and it grieves me to hear these bits of news.

Saturday on my iPhone a newsfeed popped up about the Brutal shooting Rampage that one time in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. It scares me to think that in our nation we are not free to warship safely. For that last few years There has been no more talk about security at my own church. There’s something very sinister about the thought that you’re not safe or allowed to enjoy the freedom of religion. I realize in almost every case this is just an isolated crazy person who is Heavily armed With guns and ammunition and I had filled with warped mental ideology.

I have wondered for years why as we’ve gotten older the violence has escalated. And my recent reading, Simon Sinek Suggested has a lot to do with our intense addiction to our electronics devices and social media. I’ve been thinking this out and realizing how very addicted we all are. Every little chirp and Twitter and every little mention on Facebook Gains our attention. He refers to it as dopamine hits.

we spend so much more time staring at screens of every size and shape and giggling over comments posted online when we’re missing the joy of direct communication with one another. There is something more satisfying about talking with someone directly, getting that instant feedback and there is something that an electronics screen will never replace.I wonder if we are creating a generation of monsters that are free to roam the Internet and shop for the idea allergy that suits their personality, never having to interact face-to-face with people. Isolation and electronics addiction coupled with access to weapons and the warmth I wonder if we are creating a generation of monsters that are free to roam the Internet and shop for the ideology that suits their personality, never having to interact face-to-face with people. Isolation and electronics addiction coupled with access to weapons and the warped motivation to carry them out motivation to carry them out leads to events like Saturday.

So the challenge to me is this: can I actually put down my phone, iPad or laptop for longer periods of time and make determined effort to communicate with others face to face. I have to be honest and telling you that this has been I thought I have been processing for a week. I actually have successfully reduced this past week’s usage by 18 hours. That’s a little over 2 1/4 hours a day I give back to my life. So join me and the challenge of putting down your iPhone, iPad, or computer we are passable and spend more time with those around you that you love.Make a difference the old fashion way. Perhaps as we build our sense of community again, not oriented around electronics, we can reclaim those lost sheep that I have followed a pathto distractive behavior! We can change the world as long as were willing to start with ourselves.