Do you garden?

This time of year i begin to get eager for the warm weather, and the opportunity to sink my hands into the soil, and grow delicious things. One of my first memories of fresh grown vegetables was green beans. We went out to the garden with mom’s old aluminum bowl, and began picking them. the smell of the plants, the snap of the beans – all of this was a new experience to my 7 year old self. I never realized that beans came in any way except a can. In the early 1960s canned was the primary way of buying green beans. and those canned beans tasted a bit metallic, and were so over cooked they had no resemblance to their actual form. Those first fresh cooked beans were to die for, and that got me hooked.

I have been busy making plans to take back the garden space that once was our primary garden, and actually am expanding by doubling the space. I am looking forward to planting a lot of wonderful veggies and flowers and herbs.

A few weeks ago i started tomato seeds, peppers, and some herbs… they are growing little starts… that remind me warm weather is coming.