Tremont Art and Culture Festival is coming

Yes, we are 2 weeks away from the Tremont Art and Culture Festival 2014.  Steve and I can say this is one festival we have been a part of every year of its existance… It began while Steve was still on staff at Tremont West Development Corporation, and that first year was “all hands on deck” to be there to set up the festival, coordinate the events, and volunteer as needed.  That first year I was tasked with collecting the art donation from the art vendors…. and that was quite a task…. I joked about feeling uncomfortable asking for the donations that would be used for the raffle to help fund future festivals…. but i loved every minute of it.

Steve and I volunteered in some form through 2009, but in 2010 the tide changed when I was invited to be an emerging artist for the 2010 festival.  That year I was one of 8 artists in the emerging artists tent, where i shared by earliest hand dyed shibori silk scarves, and at that time I was also making Reblooming Bags with PLARN (upcycled plastic grocery bags).  It was quite a lovely time, and the community was very supportive through purchases of my goods.

In 2011 we officially were juried into the artist village, and set up our own tent for the first time at this event.   The location was in the heart of the artists village, between a lovely couple that does amazing silversmith work (Pausch & Goliyas), and a family that does architectural photos that form words (we love the creativity, and they were wildly popular).  And across from us was a watercolor artist, a professional photographer, and a potter.  It was a wonderful group, and we felt welcomed with a whole heart.  Perhaps it was our first official festival, but we had swelling crowds, and sold a ton of soap, and a number of my silk pieces sold.

2012 was another great year, and i think we were assigned the same spot… perfect -7-8 booths from the gazebo, and in the thick of things.  The weather was cool, but the crowds were big, and we enjoyed the two days.

2013 – the set up began in driving rain, and i was already sick as a dog, on heavy doses of antibiotics for a severe ear infection, upper respiratory infection and some sort of odd problem with a large patch of skin on my right ankle.  Rain, and sick painted the day with a gloom.  I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep… crushed that I was so sick for my favorite event of the year.  This is the one I live for…. and my lack of enthusiasm also dampened the spirits of everyone around me.  Saturday was rain just about the whole day, but sunday began with sunlight, a bit warmer, and hopeful.

2014 is before us, but we are ready, and God willing I will be healthy, and amped for the event. This is one of the last outdoor events for us for the year…. so we are longing to see it be glorious… swelling crowds of people (By the way, Tremont is coordinated with the Sparx Art Hop throughout the city… a wonderful opportunity to get around the city and see where the arts are alive!  Take advantage if you can.  )

Want to know more about Sparx City Hop?  Click on this link